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Google Local Services: How To Dispute A Lead

Written by Ben Worsham | Dec 13, 2022 5:30:00 PM

Google Local Services: How To Dispute A Lead

What is Google Local Services?

Google Local Services is an ad platform that allows the user to dispute lead charges on a case-by-case basis. For example, if the service provider received a lead that ended up being a telemarketing call, political ad, or robocall, they would then be able to dispute the lead and are refunded directly by Google. However, the budget efficiency does not end there. If the service provider receiving the lead cannot service the request for any reason, they can then dispute that lead charge and receive a refund. If the lead is out of the market, requesting a service that is not provided, or even just plain unpleasant, the service provider has the power to dispute the lead and receive a full refund on the lead charge.

Disputing a Google Local Service Lead

In order to dispute a lead, you will need to navigate to the individual lead and select the three-dot menu in the top right of the lead’s page.

From here, you will select the “Dispute Lead” button.

Once you have selected the “Dispute Lead” button, you will be presented with the four options for disputing Google Local Service leads.

The lead dispute reasons are as follows:

  • Job Not Served (Not On Your Profile)
  • Location Not Served (Zip Code or City)
  • Wrong Number or Sales Call (Not a Customer)
  • Spam or Bot (Not a Human)

Job Not Served (Not On Your Profile)

Next to “location not served,” “Job Not Served” is the most straightforward dispute. “Job Not Served” refers to any potential customers that click on your ad and request services that you do not provide. For example, many pest control companies also offer wildlife removal services; however, not all pest control companies provide wildlife removal services. Oftentimes a customer may click on an ad and call the pest control provider, assuming that they provide wildlife removal services. In order to avoid incurring a charge for this lead, you would need to select “Job Not Served.”

Location Not Served (Zip Code or City)

“Location Not Served” refers to any potential customers that click on your ad and request services in a location that your business does not service. These types of calls are easily mitigated by doing a very thorough job of setting up your specific service area. Google Local Services allows you to designate your service area via zip codes or city, and you can alter these service areas at any time. It is recommended to use zip codes to outline your service area in order to achieve the best results and reduce calls from outside your service area.

Wrong Number or Sales Call (Not a Customer)

“Wrong Number or Sales Call” is fairly straightforward in that it refers to anyone who clicks on your ad and calls your business without any intention of purchasing your product or service. Because Google Local Service ads are incredibly specific to service and location, it is rare to receive a wrong number call. However, Google Local Services cannot account for human error in its entirety, so there will always be an option to dispute leads that reach your office by mistake. On the other hand, potential solicitors can use the specifics of Google Local Services to target potential sales accounts, whether it be by service or location. Therefore it is important to properly vet all of your sales calls and ensure that you are disputing any calls that come in without buying intention.


Spam or Bot (Not a Human)

“Spam or Bot” calls are easily recognized as they are typically pre-recorded messages or automated dialers that require a response via keypad. These leads are some of the easiest to dispute, as the Google Local Service team has to spend very little time listening to the recordings to determine whether or not it is a legitimate lead. Typically, these spam calls are from political parties, national sales organizations, or phishing calls from overseas. Unfortunately, these are essentially unavoidable, but they are so few and far between and are so easily disputed that they rarely pose a threat to ROI for most businesses on Google Local Services.

How Long Does It Take To Dispute A Google Local Services Lead

It is important to keep in mind that all lead disputes are investigated by an actual human from the Google Local Services team. Handling all the disputes manually certainly adds a delay in results, but the accuracy of the dispute cases makes up for the time it takes to receive a verdict. Typically, most lead disputes will take up to three days to be processed, and upon receiving your verdict, you also have the option to appeal the decision. Appealing the lead dispute can take up to three weeks as it moves up the Google Local Services chain of command, but the support team will provide you with email updates on your dispute resolution.

Contact Art’s Cube

Getting started with Google Local Services is a relatively simple process assuming you have all of your ducks in a row regarding industry-specific paperwork. However, setting a budget and maximizing your R.O.I. with Google Local Services is another ball game. With Google Local Services drawing from your Google My Business Profile, it is essential to ensure that you have maximized your SEO potential and have an excellent Google Review strategy in place for your business.

Art’s Cube is a certified Platinum Partner with Google, and we have been learning and evolving as frequently as Google’s algorithms change. If you need help penetrating the vast market Google offers, we are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation and website audit. Let us help you tap into the excellent revenue stream that Google has to offer.