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Small Business Marketing Going Digital

Written by Brannon Williams | Dec 25, 2018 2:00:00 PM

There's no escaping it — today's consumers lead digital lives. The average person spends 5.9 hours of each day with digital media, representing a huge increase from just a few years ago. This reality may concern some, but it also presents a huge opportunity for small business leaders, who no longer need to compete with the large budget TV and radio campaigns of their corporate competitors. Today, a clever idea and effective execution are all it takes to go viral and capture the imagination of your target audience. Keep reading to learn more about the principles that underlie digital marketing for local business campaigns — and to discover how you can make the most of today's small business online marketing opportunities:

Digital Marketing Tips

The phrase 'content is king' may seem cliche at this point, but it's also true; effective digital marketing begins and ends with quality content. From blog posts to videos, content demonstrates industry authority while sharing the compelling story behind your brand. Content draws in new customers — and it keeps them engaged for the long haul.

Content may be king, but not just any content will do; it must be optimized to ensure that search engine users actually arrive at your website. Search engine optimization may seem intimidating, but it's simply a matter of knowing what consumers look for online — and supplying it.

Once you've developed and optimized content, it's time to share it on social media. Select platforms strategically to ensure you reach the right audience. For example, if you intend to target young consumers, you can't afford to skip Instagram. Other demographics, however, may prefer Facebook or even LinkedIn. Post on your selected platform regularly, but avoid getting too promotional. Instead, share content of value to your followers. If you struggle to keep up, don't hesitate to schedule posts throughout the day for automated sharing.

Common Obstacles in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing presents exceptional opportunities for modern small businesses, but it comes with its fair share of pitfalls. Chief among these: the dizzying pace of change. As soon as you've mastered one approach to marketing, it may feel as if it becomes outdated. Algorithms change constantly and users flock to new social media platforms. As a small business owner with limited time, how in the world are you supposed to keep up?

Another common concern: budget. Large companies often employ in-house social media experts, but this is rarely an option with digital marketing for small business. It's tempting to offload the job to an intern or tackle it yourself when you find time, but this approach is not likely to net an impressive return on investment.

Thankfully, despite these obstacles, it is still possible to develop a successful strategy for digital marketing for business. It may take outside help from experts, but your company can thrive in a digital world.

Contact Art's Cube

Struggling to put your best foot forward in the strange new world of digital marketing? There's no need to go it alone — Art's Cube can help. Reach out today to learn how our small business digital marketing agency can help you craft a more effective strategy.